Sunday, January 24, 2010


i work in a place that is built on hope - hope that we'll raise the money we need to prevent someone from being diagnosed with cancer, to treat someone who has cancer and to find a cure for so that our children can live in a world without cancer. i live with this hope every day.

and yet... i struggle finding hope in my own life. i have days lately when i wonder if i'll ever find my footing. i have these two little people depending on me and i worry that i won't be able to give them everything they deserve to have.

we're downsizing in the next month to a 2-bedroom apartment. my kids will share a room and i'll save money i need to pay for little things... like daycare and car repairs and maybe, just maybe give us a chance to stay above water more consistently.

most days i know we can do this. but some days... all hope seems lost and i fear we'll never get there. i want more than anything... peace of mind. to sleep a full night without waking up at 3am wondering how i'm going to pay my bills. to have a relationship that isn't stretched across miles and miles. to give my kids all the things they need to grow and thrive and be all they can be. to know that in the end.. the three of us will be ok.

i want hope. without fail. without question. hope in the possibilities that tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are taking the next (and hopefully) right steps for yourself and your children. This transition you are in is a lengthy process, which I'm certain you've already realized. Yet the reality of day-to-day life can make it seem so much longer, but you must stay strong, mentally, physically, emotionally, for your family. Stay true to yourself and your children, make smart decisions, and the rest of life's mysteries will be answered for you.
