Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the bump in the road

i'm realizing, day by day... sometimes minute by minute... that my life is a series of bumps in the road. or, at least, it has been. i've spent so much of my life wishing life could just be easier. that i could catch a break. that i wouldn't have to struggle so much. and yet... it's the struggles that have made me who i am.

this week i let go of someone very dear to me. as hard as it was and is, it was harder to continue with something knowing that i wasn't getting what i really needed. would i have seen this if i hadn't lived through a failing marriage? would i have had the strength to speak up if i hadn't spoken up in at other points in my life?

i'm trying to appreciate the bumps - to appreciate what they give me and the ways they help me grow. to grieve when i need to and then pick myself up and continue on.

at least until i hit the next bump.